v2024.02 Release Notes

v2024.02 Release Notes

Our January 16, 2024 release v2024.02 introduces a number of incremental improvements, bug fixes and a major improvement which includes:

  • Enhanced M&A Dashboard Downloads

Please continue reading to learn about these features and improvements!

Enhanced M&A Dashboard Downloads

In our continuous effort to improve user experience and efficiency, we are excited to announce significant enhancements to the download options on our monitoring dashboards. These upgrades address a critical problem our users who are focused on operations, have faced: the complexity and inefficiency in obtaining and utilizing downloaded data for their investigative needs.

Previously, the download files substituted resource names with Global Unique Identifiers (GUIDs), lacked non-GUID references, and often included irrelevant or superfluous data. This situation forced users to engage in time-consuming pre-work, like using external tools, consulting our specialized team, or constructing URLs to identify the referenced resources. Recognizing this challenge, we have rebuilt the feature with a focus on providing clear, immediately actionable information. Our aim is to enable users to proceed directly with their investigations, eliminating any unnecessary preliminary steps.

This enhancement is particularly valuable for our self-service clients who often lack the access or expertise to navigate these complexities. By streamlining the download process, we empower all users to work more efficiently and effectively, aligning with our commitment to user-centric design and functionality.

Improvements Summary:

  • Improved Results: Added relevant data to download files to include properties such as AccountKey, PlaybookName, CampaignName, ContentName and Timestamps where applicable.

  • Improved File Organization: The downloads page now displays files sorted by the newest to the oldest, ensuring easier access to recent data.

  • Increased Record Limits: We've expanded the limit of records in download files from 10,000 to a target of 100,000

  • Enhanced Error Messaging: In cases where a download fails due to too many events, an informative message guides users on reducing event numbers for successful downloads.

  • Permission-Based Access: The download option is now visible only to users with the "DownloadFiles" permission, streamlining user experience and adhering to security protocols.


Improved Download Capabilities.mp4


Incremental Improvements

Platform Area


Platform Area


Data Automation

  • Improved usability in the file naming convention pattern for data import and export settings when .pgp or .gpg is enabled for the organization

  • Enhancements to the file naming convention pattern for data import and export settings

Content Designer

  • Email subject lines are now visible from within the content designer canvas improving a users ability to view and troubleshoot

Customer Trail

  • The Customer Trail can now be sorted by event date/time in ascending or descending order. Previously the ordering by default was always newest to older.

  • Whenever the Playbook Name property is included in an event, the name value set for the Playbook will be displayed and provide a link that allows the user to directly navigate to the published version of that playbook.


Bug Fixes

Platform Area


Platform Area


Monitoring Dashboard

  • If an export file failed to export but was successfully retried, the monitoring dashboard would not show that the following attempt was successful. The monitoring dashboard will now show the following attempt as successful.

  • If two separate import files were downloaded at the same time for the same range from the monitoring dashboard, there was a possibility the second file would not be downloaded. This has been corrected and a user will now successfully be able to download separate import files that utilize the same range.

Across Platform

  • Improved styling on various list views across the application

Playbook Designer

  • When editing a restricted date, the “Date” field was not showing the value. The Date field will now be populated with the correct value when a user edits a restricted date.

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