v2024.25 Release Notes – December 3, 2024

v2024.25 Release Notes – December 3, 2024

Here’s a summary of what we shipped in Release v2024.25 (December 3, 2024):


Improve content with AI-assisted rewrites

AI-assisted content rewrites.png
Improve content with AI-assisted rewrites
AI-assisted content rewrite_analysis.png
Default to the analyzed Tactic and Tone


AI-assisted content rewrite_variations.png
Generate variations to choose from

New feature

Now, users can improve (or rewrite) the text in Emails, Text messages, and Landing pages with the help of AI. Where you could previously generate text based on Behavioral Tactics and Tones of voice, you can now revise existing copy with a different tactic, different tone, or both!

Key benefits:

  • Tweak and refine existing text content in response to learnings and to experiment with alternatives

  • Rewrite existing text to use a different Behavioral Tactic

  • Rewrite existing text to use a different Tone of voice



Platform Area


Platform Area



Performance improvements were made to numerous areas of the Platform to keep data flowing quickly, and to reduce unnecessary load on the Platform where some redundant actions were being taken. We’re making continuous improvements in support of daily operations and increasing capacity!


Platform Area


Platform Area



Fixed an issue where the first Campaign would surprisingly expand when you are rearranging a Playbook. It was weird. It doesn’t do that anymore.


Fixed an issue where extra spaces at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the a resource’s Name would cause unexpected naming collisions and other annoyances. We now trim any extra spaces from the beginning and end of names, and compress multiple spaces in the middle down to just one (so it reads like a sentence).