v2024.09 Release Notes

v2024.09 Release Notes

Our April 23rd, 2024 release v2024.09 introduced an incremental improvement, bug fixes, and a major feature which is:

  • The ability to export and import content items between Organizations.

Please continue reading to learn about these features!

Export and Import Content items

We are excited to introduce a new feature to our platform that enables users to import and export single content items—whether a text message, an email, or a landing page—across different Organizations. This functionality empowers users to replicate content between Organizations or create reusable content templates that include all dependencies.

Exports and Imports are managed using a comprehensive JSON file that encapsulates all essential information and dependencies. When importing content from a JSON file, users have the flexibility to either create new resources or integrate dependencies into existing resources within the Organization. This streamlined approach enhances collaboration and productivity for designers and creators, facilitating smooth content transition between Organizations.

Key Enhancements:

  • Import and export capabilities: Seamlessly transfer Text messages, Emails, and Landing pages between Organizations, including all their dependencies (Attributes, images, Themes, other Landing Pages, etc.).

  • Comprehensive JSON import & export: Allows platform users to import and export content through JSON files containing all relevant data, settings, and dependencies for easy transfer.

  • Flexible resource mapping: When importing content, Platform users can create new resources or map dependencies to existing resources.

Incremental Improvement

Platform Area


Platform Area


Segments View

  • Platform users can now search for Segments on the Segment List view by typing its name into the search bar to efficiently locate the Segment they need.

Segment List view search


Bug Fixes

Platform Area


Platform Area



  • Playbook designers using the Extensible Channel control were unable to select an Extensible channel when there was only one. This bug has now been resolved.


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