v2024.13 Release Notes

v2024.13 Release Notes

We’re in the midst of building out some significant capabilities that are almost (but not quite) ready to launch, so this release focuses on enhancements to the existing experience!

Here’s a summary of what we shipped in Release v2024.13 (June 18, 2024):

  • Now, you can link to DRAFT Landing Pages while designing your Emails and Text messages.

  • Fixes and improvements


Link to DRAFT Landing Pages from Emails and Text messages


Previously, you could only link to Published Landing Pages, making coordinating content creation on multiple channels hard. Now, you can link to Draft Landing Pages while designing your Emails and Text messages. Plus, to ensure this goes smoothly when you publish an Email or Text message, the app now tells you when the linked Landing page(s) aren’t published so we don’t accidentally send customers to an unavailable Landing Page.


Key benefit:

  • More flexible content design

  • Guardrails to help prevent coordination errors







Simplified experience when configuring Imports to Data workspace (DWS), and removed steps that aren’t needed anymore! All destination columns are now type string and existing datetime configurations are preserved.


Performance optimizations to both design-time and run-time ensuring a better experience when designing Playbooks and when executing them.

Content Assistant

The results of Tone analysis are more consistent and use normalized labels (as adjectives) to make human and machine analysis more effective.


Some data transformations “under-the-hood” will simplify data analysis when inspecting the Customer journey through Split controls and build more clarity about their journey.

Bug Fixes

Platform Area


Platform Area


Content Designer

Fixed an issue when viewing Published versions of an Email, Text message, or Landing page that gave the impression that you could edit them. (BTW, you couldn’t edit the Published versions, and now it’s much clearer!)

Content Assistant

Fixed an issue where the text being analyzed wasn’t getting selected and causing unexpected side effects.


Fixed an issue where the conditions of a filter were not displaying all of the information when in read-only mode.



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