v2024.16 Release Notes – July 30, 2024

v2024.16 Release Notes – July 30, 2024

Here’s a summary of what we shipped in Release v2024.16 (July 30, 2024):



Coming soon

  • Move controls in a Playbook

  • Identify which Customer Attributes are in use and where they’re referenced from


Rearrange Campaigns in Playbooks

Click to play

New feature

Rearrange the Campaigns in a Playbook to adjust the run order! As of today, you no longer need to rebuild a Campaign just to fix the sequence in which the Campaigns are evaluated. You can even Undo and Redo moves while in “Rearrange” mode! (Remember: After you hit “done,” that memory goes away.)

We know how frustrating it was to recreate Campaigns and we want to thank you for hanging in there

Key benefit:

  • Make changes to the run-order of a Playbook with ease

  • Undo and Redo your changes while in Rearrange mode to fix mistakes or visualize alternatives

  • Save time and effort when building Playbooks by designing in-app and adjusting as you learn

PS Coming soon is the ability to move controls in a Playbook!


Platform Area


Platform Area


Playbooks, Emails, Landing pages, Text messages

Performance optimizations to improve the efficiency and speed under the hood

Reporting and Analytics

Enriched engagement data is now flowing to add more detail to the Customer episode


Platform Area


Platform Area



Platform optimizations and improvements to overall stability and performance



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