v2023.12 Release Notes

v2023.12 Release Notes

Our June 20th 2023, v2023.13, release introduces a number of changes related to user experience. The first is when searching Customer Trail, navigating to a customer, and then back to your search results will result in your search information being retained. Next, Segments now must be saved as a draft before publishing. Also, the wording within Segments for date range operators has been improved. Lastly, the email and SMS expiration Event descriptions within your Exports have now been corrected.
Read the following sections for additional information on the release: Customer Trail, Segments, Exports, and Bug Fixes

Customer Trail

Learn more - Customer Trail

Searching Customer Trail, navigating to a specific customer, and navigating back to the search screen to find that your search has been cleared is time- consuming. Now, when you navigate to a particular customer, navigating back to the search menu will keep the results from your previous search.

Customer Trail


Customer Trail


What’s New

  • N/A

What’s Changed

  • Navigating back to the search screen after viewing a customer will now retain your previous search instead of clearing it

What’s Removed

  • N/A


Learn more - Segments

Two new changes have been introduced to Segments. The first is that you can no longer publish a Segment immediately, and must first save the draft before publishing. This change has been introduced as part of a bug fix, which you can find in the Bug Fixes section of this article. Second, the wording of the date comparison operators has been updated so that the language is more natural.
You can see the wording before on the left, and after on the right in the following image:





What’s New

  • N/A

What’s Changed

  • The following date comparison operators have been modified for more natural wording:

    • is less than is now is before

    • is less than or equal to is now is on or before

    • is greater than is now is after

    • is greater than or equal to is now is on or after

What’s Removed

  • N/A


Learn more - Events

In a previous release, we introduced new Events for email and SMS expirations. We tried to mitigate confusion by including the correct description in the release notes and Knowledge Base Articles because the fix was still incoming. The good news is that it is now here and you will find the accurate descriptions when viewing the Events in your Exports.





What’s New

  • N/A

What’s Changed

  • The description for the Email Expired Event read "This Event represents a email message has expired because there was no customer interaction." which has now been corrected to "This event represents an Email message that has expired. Expired messages are those that have been scheduled but could not be distributed before the organization's send window closed."

  • The description for the SMS Expired Event read "This Event represents a sms message has expired because there was no customer interaction." which has now been corrected to "This event represents an SMS message that has expired. Expired messages are those that have been scheduled but could not be distributed before the organization's send window closed."

What’s Removed

  • N/A

Bug Fixes

Platform Area


Platform Area



  • Using the application for 10 to 15 minutes would often send a user back to the Organization Selection Screen. This no longer occurs


  • Copying content from one organization to another using the API that utilized a custom font would result in the copied content looking for a font that doesn't exist which would result in a broken Landing Page. There is now validation that occurs to ensure the font exists in the organization


  • Publishing a new Segment with validation errors, fixing those errors, and then publishing again would result in two Segments being created. One of the old broken version, and one of the new fixed version. This has been resolved by making it mandatory to save the Segment as a draft before publishing

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