v2023.09 Release Notes

v2023.09 Release Notes

Our May 10th 2023 release, v2023.09, introduces a number of usability and Event changes. Regarding usability, customers that have been sent a Landing Page and visited it more than 90 days later will now be met with an expired Landing Page screen. This was done for performance and as a safeguard in the scenario they visit it when the context has likely been lost. We have also disabled the modification of the same attribute from multiple places in a Landing Page using Forms or Modify Input Blocks. This has been done because it's illogical to have a particular customer attribute given two values at the same time. We have also disabled the ability to select a date range older than 31 days in Customer Trail, as the Customer Trail does not keep data older than 31 days. Lastly, we have disabled the ability to have duplicated names for Export Column Headers. This is to avoid any potential complications or confusion that could occur as a result of having two values with the same label. Regarding Events, which are what feed your Exports and Customer Trail, we have deprecated the "Bounce Type" Property of the "Email Bounced" Event. This is because it wasn't being populated in the first place, and additionally , it wouldn't provide additional clarity. The coverage of other email Events will inform you of the type of bounce. This has only been deprecated , not deleted, so any existing Exports that utilize it will not be impacted.

Next, we have added the "Failure Reason" Property to the "SMS Rejected" and "Email Rejected" Events to give clarity on why the failure occurred. Lastly, we have added a "Replied to Email" Event, which will allow you to see the contents of the customer's reply. In a future release, this will utilize sentiment analysis. This will require manual configuration to capture the replies, so you may not immediately see the replies.

See the Landing Pages, Customer Trail, Exports, or Events sections of this article for additional information.

See the Bug Fixes section of this article for any additional changes.

Landing Pages

Learn more - Landing Pages

As you have seen based on our recent focus on system performance, it is critical for us to handle the scale that your business brings. Because of this, Landing Pages will now expire if 90 days or more have elapsed since they were sent to a customer. We did not make this decision without deliberation. After analysis, we found that less than 0.02% of customers will access a Landing Page after 90 days.

Additionally, it can act as a secondary guardrail in the event that your page eligibility segment is lenient enough for 90 days to elapse. The other change is that multiple modifications of the same attribute using a Form or Modify Attribute Block are no longer able to be configured. This is to prevent attempting to set an attribute to two different values at the same time.

Accessing the Landing Page after expiration will result in seeing the following page:


Landing Pages


Landing Pages


What’s New

  • After a customer has been sent a Landing Page, if 90 days or more have elapsed, they will now be greeted with the 410 "Gone" landing page indicating the page has expired

What’s Changed

  • Landing Pages can no longer have multiple modifications of the same attribute for a Form or Modify Attribute Block

What’s Removed

  • N/A

Customer Trail

Learn more - Customer Trail

Customer Trail is intended more of an individual diagnostic tool, rather than a complete historical view of customer interactions . Therefore in the February 15th release, we limited it to 31 days of data for the sake of performance. We did not make this change in the date selector, and for the sake of clarity, you will now no longer be able to select a date range going 32 days or more into the past.

Customer Trail


Customer Trail


What's New

  • N/A

What's Changed

  • Because Customer Trail data is limited to 31 days, you can no longer select a date older than 31 days ago

What's Removed

  • N/A


Learn more - Export

Settings Exports are how you move your information out of the platform. To avoid potential confusion, we have now restricted the ability to give two Column Headings the same name. The error you will receive if this is attempted can be seen in the following image:





What's New

  • N/A

What's Changed

  • Export Column Headings must now be unique

What's Removed

  • N/A


Learn more - Events

Events feed into your Exports and Customer Trail, to which there have been several changes. The first is the deprecation of the "Bounce Type" Property present in the "Email Bounced" Event. This was not being populated, and wouldn't have provided additional clarity even if it were, as there is no further distinction to be made due to the coverage of other Events. If you did happen to be utilizing this property, it has not been deleted, you will just not be able to select it moving forward. This will have no impact on your existing configuration. Second, is the addition of the "Failure Reason" Property to the "SMS Rejected" and "Email Rejected" Events, which will provide additional clarity on the reason that a provider has rejected to send your outreach. Lastly, we have added a "Replied to Email" Event, which will allow you to see the contents of the customer's reply. In a future release, this will utilize sentiment analysis for big-picture statistics on the type of response that your customers are eliciting. This currently requires manual configuration, so you may not immediately be capturing your customer responses





What’s New

  • The "Failure Reason" property has been added to "SMS Rejected" and "Email Rejected" Events

What’s Changed

  • N/A

What’s Removed

  • The "Bounce Type" property of the "Email Bounced" Event has been deprecated, as this was not being populated and wouldn't have provided additional clarity even if it were populated

    • You can read more on the different email statuses in the Outreach Metrics section of the Assignments and Sending article

    • Your exports will not break if they were utilizing this property, this has been deprecated , not deleted

Bug Fixes

Platform Area


Platform Area



  • All of the following fixes are specific to when you are validating a Playbook:

    • If the sender was not set in a Send Email Control, the error would display "Required}" which has been corrected to "Required" If the attribute was not set in a Modify Attribute Control, the displayed error message was contextually confusing, this should now be more clear

  • Additionally, the attribute within the control will now be marked as "Required"

    • If a Campaign does not have a valid entry condition, the error message will now give the reason, whereas previously it only told you it was invalid

Landing Pages

  • Navigating to the base URL of a Landing Page would be met with a message that reads "Not found", now this will display a proper 404 page

  • The "base URL" in "mylandingpage.tld/my customer" is "mylandingpage.tld"

Customer Trail

  • The order of Events present in Customer Trail was not always chronological. Instead, it depended on the time that API calls were made, which could result in them being displayed in non-chronological order


  • For Event Sources that related to SMS, capitalization was inconsistent, sometimes represented as "Sms" and sometimes as "SMS", now it will always display in all capital letters


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