v2023.11 Release Notes
Our June 6th 2023, v2023.11, release introduces four new date range operators in Audience Segments, allowing rules such as CustomerDate was in the last 5 days. Additionally , you can now view the Landing Page Name Property associated with any of the Landing Page Events in your Customer Trail for more intuitive navigation. Along with the new property, the roles required have been simplified for Customer Trail and you now only require the Customer Trail Viewer role. Lastly, this release should also see performance increases due to a number of database and API optimizations.
See the Segments and Customer Trail sections of this article for additional information.
Learn more - Segments
When selecting the date comparison operators for Segments, if you wanted to check if a customer's last imported date was within the last 2 days you would have to create rules to check today, yesterday, and 2 days ago.
You can see an example of this in the following image:
Now imagine if you wanted to check for the last 14 days, this would require 15 rules. Not only would this be somewhat cumbersome to create, but it also means our system would need to check against 15 different rules. You will now find four new operators related to date ranges, specifically:
was in the last
was not in the last
is in the next
is not in the next
Segments | Description |
What’s New |
What’s Changed |
What’s Removed |
Customer Trail
Learn more - Customer Trail
Although you can use the Content Id Property to determine which Landing Page a customer has interacted with, you may not find it as intuitive as the actual name. To help alleviate any confusion, you can now find the Landing Page Name Property for the Events Landing Page Click, Landing Page Submission , and Landing Page Viewed.
You can see an example of the property in the following image:
Keeping on the theme of accessibility improvements, you now only require the Customer Trail Viewer role to access the Customer Trail.
Customer Trail | Description |
What’s New |
What's Changed |
What’s Removed |
Bug Fixes