v2025.01 Release Notes – January 14, 2025

v2025.01 Release Notes – January 14, 2025

Here’s a summary of what we shipped in Release v2025.01 (January 14, 2025):


  • Contact Reachability: Customer Account-level contact info evaluations

  • Search within dropdowns when selecting resources and more

  • Fixes and improvements

Contact Reachability: Customer Account-level contact info evaluations

Click to play demonstration
Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 16.18.36.png
Predicted reachability:
Email addresses only


Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 16.18.59.png
Actual reachability:
Email addresses and Phone numbers

New feature

Users now have access to feedback about the reachability of specific Customer Account contact information in real-time within the Customer Trail. Reachability represents the likelihood of reaching a customer using this contact information and helps inform the engagement strategy and contact list hygiene.

Whenever an email address is updated for a Customer Account, the reachability of the email address is predicted. After a delivery attempt, both email addresses and phone numbers are updated with real-time feedback informing you whether the attempt to reach a customer using that information was successful. Each piece of contact information will be marked as reachable, not reachable, or in the case of intermittent conditions, may not be reachable. Use this to clean up contact lists and improve overall customer reachability!

Note: This beta feature is being released on a per-Organization roll-out so keep an eye out!

Key benefits:

  • Predict the likelihood of an email address being reachable before you even try to send.

  • Up-to-date feedback on the reachability of email addresses and phone numbers.


Search within dropdowns when selecting resources and more

Screen Recording 2025-01-17 at 10.19.46.mov

New feature

Users can now search for items within dropdowns when selecting content sources within Playbooks, when choosing a Customer Attribute, and much more!

Key benefits:

  • Save time locating that item in a list

  • Fuzzy search allows for subtle typos to still get you to the item you need



Platform Area


Platform Area



Feedback when page content is loading now follows a consistent pattern. (Only those who are looking closely will notice this nuanced change!)


Platform Area


Platform Area



Fixed an issue on Playbook Import where users were expected to have an unrelated permission and could not import Playbooks. All good now.


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