v2025.04 Release Notes – February 25, 2025

v2025.04 Release Notes – February 25, 2025

Here’s a summary of what we shipped in Release v2025.04 (February 25, 2025):

  • Baseline Delinquency Archetypes

  • Contact Reachability: Early Beta

  • Fixes and improvements

Baseline Delinquency Archetype

new feature

Users can activate and enable the new Baseline Delinquency Archetype, an early-stage prediction in the Symend platform that assesses a customer’s likely behavior and outcomes during delinquency. This insight enables early inference without requiring historical delinquency episodes. After the first 24 hours of a new placement, the platform can determine a customer’s archetype, providing actionable insights sooner.

Key benefits:

  • Identifies archetypes for customers upon their first placement.

  • Automatically updates the Customer Account without additional mapping.

  • Provides early insights into potential outcomes to inform Playbook design.

  • Easily actionable within the platform with minimal data requirements.

How is Baseline Delinquency Archetype related to the Delinquency Archetype we’re familiar with?

Delinquency Archetypes are evolving into a broader solution that encompasses all delinquency-related insights Symend has developed to drive better outcomes (Archetypes and Scores). As a result, the relationship between the existing Delinquency Archetypes and the new Baseline Delinquency Archetype requires a fresh perspective.

Key updates:

  • Existing historical archetypes are now called Repeat Delinquency Archetypes.

  • Repeat Delinquency Archetypes continue to use familiar values (e.g., HCLR, LCLR).

  • The Baseline Delinquency Archetype provides early inference for new customers. Once sufficient historical data is available, Repeat Delinquency Archetypes should be used for returning customers.

Contact Reachability: Early Beta

new feature

Now, users have access to feedback about the reachability of Customer Account contact information in real-time across the entire active Audience. In a previous release, you could view only one account at a time. Now, you can review all active accounts from a single view by navigating to Audience > Reachability.

Note: This beta feature is being released on a per-Organization roll-out so keep an eye out!

Key benefits:

  • Summarize the reachability of your entire Audience.

  • Predict the likelihood of email addresses being reachable before you even try to send.

  • Up-to-date feedback on the reachability of email addresses and phone numbers across the all active Customer Accounts.

Terminology refresh:

Reachability represents the likelihood of reaching a customer using this contact information and helps inform the engagement strategy and contact list hygiene.

Whenever an email address is updated for a Customer Account, the reachability of the email address is predicted. After a delivery attempt, both email addresses and phone numbers are updated with real-time feedback informing you whether the attempt to reach a customer using that information was successful. Each piece of contact information will be marked as reachable, not reachable, or in the case of intermittent conditions, may not be reachable. Use this to clean up contact lists and improve overall customer reachability!


Platform Area


Platform Area


Playbook Designer

When previewing an Email, Text message, or SMS from a Playbook, you can now see the Published status (on the right) and a clearer depiction of the Content type and name (on the left).

Before: Email example

Screenshot 2025-02-24 at 18.34.55.png

After: Email example

Screenshot 2025-02-24 at 18.40.06.png

Various improvements to interacting with components on the Playbook canvas.

Manage Attributes

From the Attributes listing under Data Automation, users can now select an Attribute and from the action button choose to Delete that Attribute.

Text messages

When drafting Text messages for SMS, we’ve added feedback about the message encoding (based on the content) and now provide you with more accurate estimates about the number of message segments this text will create.


Content Designer

You now have more space to interact with the Generate and Improve dialogs when working with text content in Emails, Text messages, and Landing pages. Plus, we cleaned up the information in the Analyze panel.


Platform Area


Platform Area


Data Workspace

Ingesting from a Data Workspace table to the Customer Account record when commas are present in the table will no longer fail.


Users can now save a message control without providing a “Send this message” date, instead Playbook validation will catch if there is no date at validation and publish time.


Correcting an issue that occurs when duplicating Text messages that point to Landing pages. This issue caused a duplication of the slugs used in Landing page URLs.

Customer Trail

Before this fix, users who tried to access Landing Page Form Submission events in the Customer Trail faced a 500 error, hindering the loading of event data. Now, users can seamlessly explore these events and their associated properties within the Customer Trail.


Web domains can now be configured as long as they validate against a registered Start of Authority (SOA) record, enabling support for a wider range of top-level domains.