Analysis and Reports

Analysis and Reports allows you to view reporting Dashboards directly within the Symend Platform, as well as share them with external users, including yourself. Depending on your agreement with Symend, our Client Data Services team will custom-create Dashboards for you, or with the correct licensing, you can create your own. Analysis and Reports is comprised of collections of Dashboards, where you will view your reports. Dashboards are comprised of Tiles, where you will define your insights.

Table of Contents


In order to maximize the potential of the Symend Platform, you want to be able to observe trends, retrieve, and engage with your Customer data. Analysis and Reports allows you to do exactly that by evaluating the success of your configuration, and by gaining insights into potential areas of improvements.

In addition to gaining these insights, you need to be able to share them in a digestible format, therefore Dashboards and Tiles give you the ability to digestibly display insights, which can be shared automatically or manually.


A Dashboard is the area where you will view the insights into your Customer data, effectively it is not much more than the shell for the Tiles, but offers useful features for organizing, filtering, downloading, and sharing information.

When you first navigate to Analysis and Reports, you will find two different collections of Dashboards:





Custom Reports

  • Made custom for you by our Client Data Services team

  • Not editable by you

Playbook Specific

  • Made by you, specific to your Playbooks

  • Editable by you

Regardless of who makes the Dashboards, they are equivalent in utility.

Symend relies on Looker for our Dashboards, therefore instead of repeating that information, we will direct you to the source to get the full picture:

  • Filters, which can remove unwanted data

  • Settings, which allow you to configure things such as when a Dashboard refreshes

  • Downloading, for downloading your Dashboard

  • Scheduling Delivery, for sending your Dashboard to yourself or others

The Dashboards in Analysis and Reporting should not be confused the Dashboard in your navigation menu.


Tiles are the components that make up your Dashboards. Tiles display information, and allow you to interact with the underlying data. There are four types of Tiles at your disposal:






  • Runs queries on your data, and displays them based on your configuration


  • Basic text with basic styling

    • Styling includes bold, italics, underlining, text color, left alignment, center alignment, right alignments, bullet points, numbered lists, headings, and hyper linksĀ 


  • Markdown text blocks

    • Supports some HTML

    • Optional fields of title, sub-title, and body


  • Hyper link button

    • Optional configuration of the label, link, description, new or current tab, opacity, color, size, and alignment

With a Visualization Tile, there are a number of actions you can do, but like Dashboards, we rely on Looker, therefore we will direct you to their documentation for these actions:

Required Roles





Insight Viewer

  • View and download Dashboards

  • Schedule deliveries of Dashboards and Tile alerts

  • Download Tile data with <5k rows

Insight Explorer

  • View, edit, create, and download Dashboards

  • Schedule deliveries of Dashboards and Tile alerts

  • Download and explore Tile data
