Assignments and Sending

The Assignments and Sending section of your Dashboard allows you to view the volume of customers that move in and out of your Playbooks and Campaigns, as well as your outreach volume and statuses.

Table of Contents


It is useful to know the volume of customers that are entering or exiting your Campaigns, and subsequently, the volume of outreaches that are successfully reaching your customers. As an example, by monitoring your outreaches, you may find that customers are providing faulty email addresses, or that messages are being caught by spam filters.

Assignments and Sending allows you to see these metrics at a glance and rest easy knowing that your customers are receiving your desired information.

Date Ranges

When viewing your metrics, you will specify a time range that the events the metrics refer to occurred in. Before diving into understanding the metrics available for you, it is recommended you understand the smaller details surrounding the range of time those metrics relate to.

The first fundamental understanding is that start time and end times are doubly inclusive. This means that setting a start time of 12/20/2022 1:00 AM and 12/21/2022 12:00 AM will include occurrences between both times, as well as at 1:00 AM and 12:00 AM.

The second, and currently more important is the following:

The time that a particular event occurs at is rounded-down to the hour upon retrieval. This a known limitation we're currently addressing but can lead to behavior resembling a "bug". As an example:

An event occurs at 3:15

You set a range from 3:00 to 3:10

The event is retrieved from the platform, and rounded-down to 3:00 (Also called aggregation)

Therefore, the event at 3:15 is included in your results, as are all events from 3:00 to 3:59

Playbook and Campaign Metrics

In your Assignments and Sending Dashboard, you will find metrics related to your Playbooks and Campaigns, namely entries and exits.

The following is an example of what you will see when viewing your Playbook and Campaign metrics under Assignments and Sending:

1. The name of the Playbook that your Campaign belongs to

2. The Campaign that a customer is entering or exiting

3. The non-unique quantity of customers that entered your Campaign

4. The ability to queue your entries for downloading, see the Dashboard, Downloads article for more information

5. The non-unique quantity of customers that exited your Campaign

6. The ability to queue your exits for downloading, see the Dashboard, Downloads article for more information

We have specified "non-unique" entries or exits because if a customer enters a Campaign, exits the Campaign, and then re-enters the Campaign, this will count as two entries.

Outreach Metrics

In your Assignments and Sending Dashboard, you will find metrics related to your outreaches, namely text message and email delivery success.

The following image is similar to what you will see when viewing your outreach metrics:

1. Your text message metrics and statuses, which translate to the following:






Your text message was successfully sent to a customer


Your text message was unable to be sent to the customer, likely because of an invalid phone number


The delivery provider has refused to send the text message


Your text message was not able to be sent within its send window

2. Your email metrics and statuses, which translate to the following:





Sent, Failed, Rejected, Expired

Identical to text message statuses


Your email was sent, and it made it to the customer


Your email was sent, but rejected by their mail server, likely because of an invalid email address


Your email was sent, but the customers mail server has blocked the message from being delivered to them, such as a spam filter

Spam Reported

Your email was delivered, and the customer reported the message as spam

3. The ability to queue your metrics for download, see the Dashboard, Downloads article for more information

Required Roles






Everything in this article, all users can access Assignments and Sending
