What are Audience Segments

Segmentation rules are present across the Symend Platform. These rules help you determine which customer attributes will define one of your customer groups (also known as ‘segments’ within the platform). When your customers take a specific action, it’s bound by the segmentation rules.

Table of Contents

What is a Segment?


A segment is a group of the customers. When you define a playbook and/or campaign, you select a segment as an entry criteria.

A segment consists of two parts:

  • A definition or design time element containing a set of rules combined using AND/OR clauses

  • A runtime element where a group of customers are allocated to a segment point-in-time

Definition of a segment containing a group of rules combined using AND/OR clauses


An atomic entity of a segment. A rule contains

  • Attribute to be evaluated (imagine subject in a sentence)

  • An operator used for evaluation (imagine verb in a sentence)

  • A value used for comparison during evaluation (imagine object in a sentence)


Part of a rule. Generally, a customer attribute on which a rule is defined and evaluated.

e.g. email, balance, and account

Any attribute of a customer or account will be available for rule creation.


Part of a rule. An expression that binds an attribute to a value

e.g. is equal to, greater than, and less than


Supported data types


Supported data types

Is equal to

All data types

Not equal to

All data types

Less than

Number, date, days

Less than or equal to

Number, date, days

Greater than

Number, date, days

Greater than or equal to

Number, date, days

In list

user defined list (comma separated)



Does not contain



Part of a rule. A static value used for comparison.

The following is an example of the segment definition:

Segment Modes and Operations

When you are defining a segment please note that following modes that apply to a segment


When you create a segment either from the scratch or by duplicating, by default, the segment will be in a draft mode.

Save or discard

Any changes to a draft can be saved or discarded


A draft segment will change to Publish mode, when you click on the Publish button.

Editing a published segment will create a draft copy. The re-published copy will override the previously published copy.


You can archive a segment. An archived segment will show in the listing view. You can clone or duplicate an archived segment.


Deleting a segment will permanently delete the segment and its content. You will not be able to see or restore a deleted segment